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Раздел №4: 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 21; 22\
Consolidation (закрепление) 1: 1; 2; 3; 4; 5;
Раздел №5: 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18;
Раздел №6: 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16;
Раздел №7: 1, 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15;
Раздел №8: 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13;
Consolidation 2: 1; 2; 3; 4;
Раздел №9: 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11, 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20;
Раздел №10: 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 21; 22; 23;
Раздел №11: 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 21; 22;
Раздел №12: 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 21; 22; 23;
Consolidation 3: 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7;
Раздел №13: 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 21;
Раздел №14: 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 21; 22; 23;
Раздел №15: 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18;
Раздел №16: 1; 2; 3; 4-6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15;
Consolidation 4: 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; Test 1; Test 2 ; Test 3 ; Test 4 .

Текст из решебника:
1. Comparing schools in different countries 10. ~=~~~:Ii',~~" t~ss,,od.vhk ~а шse.@hvs®м)"\ru ·go h; am, becau si,e1 п h е 1sEfn t о rрыре U Yuri о Dolgorukymeans ''with long arms". The ruler was called like this because he conquered а lot of lands. Ivan the ТепiЫе 5. !)had 2)went З)swam 4)met !il~&@П)~о@@Ш IO)left !!)was 12)went 13) slept 6. Опыт - 1) (неисчисляемое суш.) то, что мы узнаем в процессе определенной работы или деятельности: Новый начальник имеет большой опыт. Я получил ценный опыт во время работы в больнице. У вас есть опыт работы с детьми? 2) (исчисляемое) нечто, что происходнг с тобой или что-то, что ты делаешь, особенно The American experience - американский опыт We can translate the name of the unit only ifwe know what it is about because the word has several meanings. 8. !)just 2)just З)just, yet i!f;~ffi@Ш~o@@Ш 8)yet 9)just 9. 2) I've just fшished ... З)H~J:'\'ffiQ Q ~ ГгJ@М i!~":,8~~c_O)~o~ О Ш 10. !)shouldn't lЕ:~::.@@Ш~о@@Ш 7)should 12. 1) four l!i~~;nffi@Ш~o@@Ш 14. 11. То Ье interested in smth- to keen on 15. 16. 2) How much does Harry weigh? Harry V.'eighs 200 kg. 3) How fast does а horse run? It runs 50kph. 4) нос- long is the street? \\'~\~ ~l:..~'r7fl Q ~ ГгJ@)М ;:1:;':',tЬ\~Jc_Qj~o~ О Ш 7) How much food does Tom eat? He eats 10 kg of food. 8) нос- long is а scvrpion? Itis 10cm. 7. Pocket money 3. !)afternoon 2)Nevita's :!~,:\ J{:\ Q ~ ~ ГrJ@)M б)anv ~~о~о~ ш 7)Nevita's 4. Do shopping Give money Spend money Have Ьошес-огк ~~i0wY@@}]~o@@Ш 3) You can earn money if you have а paгt-limejob. 4) I spent all my money, cvuld you please lend me а few pounds? 5. Hi, I'm нмя. I get about 500 ruЫes а week. г ооо'л Ьасе а art-timm· т ьег myp~ound@h ~· . m· the sho i ev У..' а I е t he rub ·s е у ~~~ i es4IJ 5 w .е,р d о 400.ru. le fors 'ee€Jio g ·ngto Ius~± 00 1.с Q 6. l)tidy 2)do З)make i!~&@Ш~о@@Ш 8)do 9)takeout 7. \Ve have to arrive \Ve have to wear \Ve must decide \Ve have to go to the school Must choose Используем have to, когда нас вынуждает кто.то что-то сделать. Must - когда мы сами осознаем свой долг что-то делать. 8. !)must 2)ha\'eto З)mustn'tcheat 4)hadto !!~&@Ш~о@@Ш 9)hadto IO)must ll)haveto 12. 10. Requests 2) Lend me 50 ru.Ыes 3) Give me your book ;hiiS~Ш~o@@Ш 4) Lend you my pen 11. 2)\otsof iШ\@@Ш~о@@Ш 12. !)In this picture Carol is in her room. She is tidying it. She looks tired and sad. She doesn't like tidying her room. 2) In this picture Carol is in her room. She is making her bed. She looks happy. She likes making her bed. 7) In this picture Carol is taking the rub bl sh out. She is happy. I think she likes taking the rubbish out. 8)In this picture Carol is next to the door. She is doing paper rounds. She is happy. I think she likes doing paper rounds. 9) In this picture Carol is on the sofa. She is doing babysitting. She is sad. I think she doesn't like doing babysitting. 13. 1) get pocket money 2)savemoney З)getlessmoney !!;~tь@Ш~о@@Ш 9)earnmoney 8. Amazing mysteries 1. wake-woke зее с. вас- Е~&@Ш~о@@Ш Sleep-slept Leave-left Come-came 2. l)sat ]!~&@Ш~о@@Ш 3. 2) was playing .... when my mom came home 3) when.my ~iend phoned . I was list.ffiin~k 4) -ав ea~0 •• wh у t 'W' @@Ш 5)w tЬ,er а е w s ш ;(;' s, i .. 0h I у nd ь о о 4. Jas~· ь stat~~ь· he~nise~. ~into the .о. sat n as· 'Ь ,f\? а о _aph d e1(~jt u~!h \Yall. Jasmш Г nt t вг I' е 1 О ~s п r~· 'тг' 13. 5. l)off 2)on З)down :~:~:0: ы~, чаШ QD ~ ~@М ::i:h~ - к~,ч ·~о~ о~ ш Throw down - ронять Gеtuр-вставать 6. 7. !)a strange noise 2) footsteps З)coming 4)appears !!~&@Ш~о@@Ш 9)through 1 О) changing ll)tu.rned 10. 1) came, were studying 2)wassitting,aпi,,ed З)wash.aYi.ngbr·e.akfas@;, ho d 4) еге ee~g. me П) ~ @@Ш 5)sa ,v a.II.in :(::s,v, s 1е О Q о 8) was \Vearing, aттived 12. Plan 1. Moving to Canterville Chase 2. Meeting а ghost 3. Frightened ghost 4. Virginia is talking with the ghost 5. Virginia helped the ghost sv.•eeping brush and white curtain to make their own ghost. Тhе funniest scene is when the Canterville ghost is trying to talk \Vith this ghost. The most emotional moment is when the ghost is talking to Virginia and she decides to help him to rest Ьу praying. Тhе story ends when the writer says that Virginia grev.• up, married and told this story to her husband. The author wants us to understand that love can Ье stronger than both life and death. 13. Consolidation 2 14. Student А. I stayed in Italy for а year. So I studied in an Italian school. Children go to school for 13 years Students study at primary school for 5 years, atjШlior school for 3 years and at senior school for 3 years. А school year starts from mid-September and it lasts till mid-June. Summer holidays last ;:;~~~~~~~:e~~llhe age1~~, ~i5}Ja~б · · s \шA~':ln~~s. А school year is divided into4 terms: from 9 to 11 с-еекв each. School starts from late January and it lasts till mid-December. There are гс-о weeks between the terms. Summer holidays last from mid-December to late January. You start school day at 9 а.ш. and it lasts till 3.30 p.m 2) - I have to do the washing-up пов-, - I can help you. 3) - I can play the piano, but I can't swim. - You should go to the sv.'imming pool and learn how to do it. 4) Could you lay the tаЫе please? ~'~.·.~1i~n., to ot~sho р [о)~ @@Ш Yes. о. ot!J&s о 1 eeD о ~o~;n ~ ~ у n is Q 7) Do you like swimming? Yes, I do. I often go to the swimming pool. 8) Could you take out the ru.bblsh for me, please? No, I'm sorry, I have to do my home work. 4. 9.Freetime Do you lo,,e going out with friends? Yes,Ido Do you like having а picnic? Yes, I do. I quite like having а picnic? 2. !)right 2)short 3) date ~!{~&@Ш~о@@Ш 9)niceipolite IO)name 4. 2) \Vhat's Sarah going to Ье? She's going to Ье а model. 3) \Vhat are Tanya and Sam going to Ье? They are going to Ье singers. 6) \Vhat are Susan and Stuart going to Ье? They are going to Ье artists. 5. 2)volleyball З)disco 4)football !!~~&@Ш~о@@Ш 9)р1сшс IO)party 6. 1 F l~L?&@Ш~о@@Ш 7. 8. 9. l)I'mgoingtoplay 2) was watching ~!~~&@П)~о@@Ш 10. 1) There was а cup in the picnic basket. 2) There were folks in the picnic basket. 3) There were tomatoes in the picnic basket. 4) There ссете paper services in the picnic basket 5)Therewasacabba.geint .· icbasket. @@Ш б)Т ~, • s bl in! е ш b~k~. ~ о 7) Тh ,.,., е niд•e in h Ьа kt) :~~:\\' 1 t1e ю е. _ Q 1 О) There were eggs in the picnic basket. 11) There were sandwiches in the picnic basket. 12) There \\'as а chicken in the picnic basket. 11,12. 13. keep bugging me ~:ifE@3Io) ~ о@@Ш 14. l)b l[t?&@Ш~о@@Ш 7)Ь 15. 2)tocome Ш~&@П)~о@@Ш 16. 2) \Vould you like to have а picnic on Saturday? - No, thanks. I'm going swimming. 3) \Vould you like to go to а disco on Sunday? ~~\\.l:a~s.l~.k:~~t;v;~· res racl~~:i:le:.n п~е' @@Ш -Yes. w 1 fAm r о . Г\ 5)\Vo d о 1 t to es · еЬ/~ о da,. Q -Yes. ' ..f а 6) \Vould you like to go to а volleyball match on Thursday? - No, thanks. I'm going to the cinema with Robert. 17. to be celebrated То Ье rewarded for 18. I usually have breakfast at 7.30, but tomoпowl'mgoingto Ьеое Ьгеецвы at 6. I usually leave home at 8, but tomoпow I'm going to leave home at 6.30. I usu.ally go to school, but tomoпow I'm going to the seaside. I usually have IШlch at school, but tomoпow I'm going to haveal=chatthe,estau~,· ".'ffi' tobe~O,but(su w@J''M 11. Wlm'u?H' v endvш,? о·Ао,·.1 '! • 1ti g0·y ul t О Love, Q Nevita 19. i~]~Л\~m~п@(о)~ 2. The best ,Уау to get to school 20 1!jt?&@Ш~о@@Ш 10. Discovering Australia 2. !)В 1!tL?&@Ш~о@@Ш 3. !)а 2)Ь Шt?&@Ш~о@@Ш 7), 5. Sailor Шness Scientist ~~'~1:;,@@Ш~о@@Ш Settlemen Unity 6. 7. 9. 10. 2. i!i~~mec8~~o@@Ш 11. 12. 13. Past Present Future Last Thursday ьевт ссеек №w Today Al the moment In2050 In ten years' time In the future ~~ ~i~~~It~~ 3) Now I am doing my home work. 4) Al the moment she is having а picnic. 5) In 2050 Australia will Ье highly populated 6) In the next century our planet will Ье much polluted 14. 15. 16. 17millionpeople 1-3%ofthetotal Сапэепа Sydney, Melbourne Sou h~. u ;, We~s _ ш.№, s~,Vees,Q@@len _ Т)"i!{Ш ш- юп ;the North t io~ d !) са 1st1i) U ~;:11ь1 О Australian dollar Koalas, kangaroos, crocodiles 17. Australia has а population of 17 million people. The Aborigine population is very small, only 1- 3% ofthe total. Australia is divided into 6 federal states: Southern Australia, \Vestern Australia, lit 19. tГ;п",ffi@Ш~о@@Ш 20. ]!~fr&@Ш~о@@Ш 3. нос- do you go to school, Peter? Igobyblcycle. How do you go to school, Michael? Igo Ьу bus. (~i~&{БW ~ о@@Ш Igo by car. How do you go to work, Mr. Aziz? Igobyscvoter. 21. 2)willpass ~!;?;::. Q~~o@@M 7)wll ~~ Ш 23. to Ье unveiled А prominent figure То сапу out a research То win confidence and co-operation ~:~outstand,igngsc~%':''@' @@~ Hu n· . А . о Nicho s о-. la \'а l2ш pl er n stan всзеп · , h n "ghts activi а:,; . u~:~t~stш ш wh~, атег , иganued а zoological centre. Не also carried out his research in Nev.• Guinea, Philippines, Indonesia and ошег сошппев. Не studied the life of the Aborigines. Не won their confidence and co-operation Nicholas Miklouho-Maclay was one of the first anthropologists to oppose scientific racism 11. ,vorkexperience 2. [iWffi@Ш~o@@Ш The RAP i~~сЮ@Ш~о@@Ш DearSirMadam, Ia ~· Uffi~··, ~11g1;@@· ~· lfи i~~oul 1i et . р r urn Ii ~iii n· t еа Gп il. Your ш 1 О И= 3. 4 !)С ~!~&@Ш~о@@Ш 5. 2) \Vhen is Pat having intervies.v? She's having interview at 10 o'clock. 3) \Vhen are you going to basketball match? ~)";,;:;n.;his:,ffi;::~-g ho!~~ @@Ш He's vi g e)lfs m е 5)\ i c~h\ g-_ch · Duel? Q о She's 1h..a on - . 6) \Vhen is Nevita going on holiday? She's going on holiday at the beginning of July. 6, 2)isvisiting ~!gf~@П)~о@@Ш 8. Th~· асе~· .~4~nthe~,.~aм'° n. man, thei Ii d . р irl. Т · d~e ·r yin~ оо о ~со \.~th- the ЬаЬуы I w \~ v.· h Ьо w !ltJis а nt ~ о U 'тг' 10. !)А~~~·. won~t . y~si~take~Гo)м 2)1 !~о ftrr fl sh h 1~а d е ork. о З)Iwo ·t okfrl а е а to as·stэd Н s, Г) 'н' 11. Serviceindust \Vhatthey do Shop assistant \Vaiter Run eпands Perfoпn cleanin~ tasks \Valk dogs, wash pets Take care ofyoung children Take care of young children, entertain children, help kids with their homework 12. 1) According to Russian Labor соое реорте can Ьвсе а full-time job since the age of 16. 15. 1) Her Ьirthday was last month. 2) at the end of July Ii!~~~П)~о@@Ш Linda could say that she will travel somewhere. 17. i!~G\y:Q ~ ~ CJ@)M 5)~:nm~~~o~ UU nasty-nice Small Nasty Easy [!~&@Ш~о@@Ш Good Long Interesting Robert interviewed 100 students 18. i!it&@Ш~o@@Ш 19. !)going 20. Fи You can get ехтга spending money. You become more responsiЫe at home and school. Job teaches teens teamwork, time management and discipline. You can help your parents d they will Ье proud of you. \Vo ~, ': ill pch,l тоfш ~·oьinth,(sfutш@Ш Agaшs D Q о Job c·