ГДЗ решебник ответы по английскому языку 5 класс учебник Rainbow English 1 2 часть

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Автор книги (часть 1 2 3): Афанасьева Михеева Баранова Rainbow English.

Часть 1, задание:5; 9; 10; 15; 17; 18; 19; 20; 23; 24; 27; 28; 29; 30; 32; 33; 34; 35; 36; 37; 38; 39; 41; 42; 43; 44; 45; 46; 51; 53; 54; 55; 56; 59; 60; 63; 64; 65; 68; 69; 70; 71; 72; 73; 75; 76; 77; 80; 81; 82; 84; 85; 86; 87; 89; 92; 93; 94; 95; 97; 99; 104; 105; 106; 107; 108; 109; 113; 114; 115; 116; 117; 118; 120; 121; 122; 125; 126; 127; 128; 129; 130; 131; 132; 133; 136;
Часть 2, задание:5; 6; 8; 9; 13; 15; 17; 18; 19; 21; 22; 23; 25; 26; 27; 31; 33; 35; 36; 37; 38; 39; 40; 41; 42; 46; 47; 49; 50; 51; 52; 54; 56; 57; 59; 61; 62; 65; 66; 70; 71; 74; 75; 77; 78; 79; 80; 81; 83; 84; 85; 87; 90; 91; 92; 95; 96; 98; 99; 100; 101; 105; 106; 111; 114; 115; 116; 118; 119; 120; 123; 124; 125; 127; 128; 129; 130; 131; 133; 134.

Текст из решебника:
Page 24, Ех.9. 1) '"~пt. go: 2) is going 10 ,·isitc 3) d~cid~d: 4) did. does: 5) is: 6) has; 7) m<1; 8) s,-e, """ Page24,E:t.l0. Myfrie,ldatepizzaforbr~akfast Му moтh~r sa"' а ki1!<11 iн 1h~ s~et м,r,1~ ,~, ,1n,.,@;. , @@Ш Mys t<1" d! al есае ::.:::, ·::: .. ;'",: :н ,, ~ ~ о о А. True: 1. 3. 4. 8. 9. В. 2. The \Yeath~r "·as "·oн. Pag~ 50,Ех.4. \) \1er, mine: 2) their. o,vs: 3) o,,r. hen: 4) your. t!ieirs: 5) his, уснv$: 6) шу. theirs: 7) his. yours: 8) 1heir, J1w;: 9) our.his;J0)J1er.ours Page52,Ex.9. 1) Thezooi$$il'\la!edin1hepark.2)Tlieciлeшai$Sit\1a!ed11eartheba11ka11dnearthecircu$. 3)Т11еЬ11$$1Ор issiшa1ediлHig!,S1reet11ear1hepark.4)Theballkissitu.ated11eartheci1iema .,,.~_, __ Jm@ш~ @@ш м •• _ · •. • · "~· ·~ D О Р,,., ,. о 7 P~g~ 54, Ех. 4. P,,~Wh\Z;(~"~ о@@ш P~g~ 56, Ех. 8. Blackpool is in the \\·est. Н"Н is U.11he east. Brigl1ton is in 1he ю"ih. Wick is in the north Ра,,59,Е,.5. ~ ~to)~ 1) N~jNo\he d $n·1 3) е~Уе~) Вщ е ~s. ш he" 7) $.) does. 8) У,, ь,i, ( I ~ \ п I n I / ,f, ~ 0 Н 1) No.lamnot 2) Bщiha,·t. 3) No,Ican"т 4) No.ldon't lb:2c:3a Pai:e 65, Ех. i. 1) go: 2) go: 3) Com<": 4) com.-: 5) coin.-: 6) goiнg: 7) goiпg. Paie 65,Ех.8. 2) Iт is а qnaл.-r past 1.-11. J,ш.- is goiнg to th.- sпp,,rmarkn 3) It is а quaл...- to !\\'О. Jан.- is goiнg to tb.- h.-allh ,1"ь~· m·''@3'.' 'ffi'~' ~'"'@" =@'""' ш· ,,1 .. , tv.·.-11 Ш <" ati t.Jae,i to .-roa Ill. о Р,,,65, • о l)Mymo ..,- oug taru,\\•bag ast\\·e.-k_ ysist...-boughtan.-\\·dr..-ss.З)MyfatherЬoughtacarlasl\\..,<"k.4) 1Ьougbtsoшebookslast\\"<"<"k.5)Mygra11dшo1h...-Ьoпghtan.-,vpbo11.-last\\·e.-k Pag~ 66,Ex. IO. lc:2d:Зa:4b Ра1:е 70, Ех. 7. А. 1) 511)'$: 2) sa)'$: 3) t~ll; 4) say: 5) t~l!s: 6) sa}'$ В. 1) said: 2) told: 3) 1o!d: 4) said: 5) 1o!d: 6) told Ра:;:е?О,Ех.8. 1) dr~,a; 2) coJJ~c,~d; 3) found; 4) boпght: 5) gor; 6)mrn~d Pai:e7l,Ex.l. Th~ Ciiy Mus~"m P,,~,;l[:·"шJ Д С~"' )\'hrn·'""". ~S)So@@6Th ·а?\ ш Pai:e7 Е. D ~ Q U Id: ЗЬ: ; : мr Page74,Ex. 7. B. l)pl~asant!y:2)slo\\"ly: 3)coldly:4)r~gulмly. Pai:e74,Ex.8. lЬ;2с:За Pag;~ 77,Ех.6. ~;~;:w~~~~"~n~(o)м Pai:e78,Ex.8. Оп !he traiп. off th.- паiп. iп the см. out oft!,~ 1a:U Pai:~ 78, Ех. 9. Tr"-'"~l!.-d. ""~111, li,·~d. stay~d, sa\\<, ~njoy~d. ЬопgЬt. got .,,~Гл\ Q Q ~ ГrJ@)M l~::~i:Ju~c_QJ~o~ О Ш 4TMr~arehoпses 5 п,~r~ is а cin~ma P~ge 80,Ех.3. ~'~~:~~~)~),~ n(с;(о)м Pag~ 83,Ех.8. P,,~w~~:~:~~~~(o)~ Pag~W,Ex.l. ;.:;~П\~т ~ cis(o)~ Pag~ 85, Ех.3. А. 1) тb~ir; 2) min~. !,~rs: 3) our. yours Pag~ 87,Ех.5 А bridge across th~ ri,·«, ест ours bui !heirs, а for~st aroш,d тhе castle. \\'alk .\traight on. oщsid~ the restaurant. ;:·wmccВfoJ"~~es@&I Pag~ 91,Ех.8. R"s,aurant ~::;,~·,., "~·"'' '"~' -,~''[У" ~,.тьт~, "1"1' '"~.'' ме~,~ Р"ор],. ,,. t! s pt\ic" s ag . ,. ·at · o\Jos la .s mнd n Ь асу" lш 'ii' . () Pag~ 95,Ех.7. 1 ~а ri,·er oceao\\·at« 2 city country house Зking ri,·« coпn!ry 4q= co,шtryшan 5 flo\\·«s water milk ~,~~· :m, ь,о щ~,0.·и· ,.w,,п,t,:;J~~ Pag~9,E ~ ~o~ouu 2) a·es аг 1iy-fi,·enш1\1Tes10 otheresтauranт. З)IttakesHelenlia!fan!ioш,тogettotl,eшarket 4)I11ak<:sFredanhourtoge1101heairpon 5)I1takestheG,-eensanhourтoge11otheri,·« Pag~ 96, Ех.10. ~,';~9',Е,.6 .. ·т· ""m'~if'~',oшpof~rcr,m' IMi'" coun1_•·7 ·а ·,eat r:8,m a11ci·P~l_, x.-t) .e:2)tc: !i,e )ti~) 6)1 ;7 :8)- ,9)-, ) ,1 -;1) .1 _ ) ·tJth,16 . Г\ U t1 Page шо.ве е \) -мо-ьее, ho\\·!ongdoesit1ak~you1ocookdinш,r for,is? It \lsually tзk~san hoiц- 2) - Fath,.,-. ho\\' Jong do~, iт tak~ you to g~t to уош work? 3) - Sist<'I". how long do.-s it таk~ you to g~т to уош school? Pa:,:el00,E:i:.9. а) Lak~ Baikal; Ь) th~ Arctic Oc~an; с) Sikria; d) th~ Pacific Oc~an; ~) th~ Far East Pag~ 105. Е:<. 7. ~,;~w~~~~.:~:;~ro5~ Page 106, E:i:. 9. !) "·~playing.ат balfpasт six: 2) \\•n:e doi11g. at а q11arter 10 1\,·о; 3) \\'as sbo\\·ing. at ba!fpas! кеп: 4) \\"as ~ading, ataqщ,rterpastnine:5)werebuying.atsixo'c]ock Paa;el06,E:i:.l. lа;2Ь:ЗЬ:4а;5Ь;6Ь:7а Page lll, Е1'.8. l) ch111ches: 2) 1erri1ories: З) \\·ays: 4) bridges: 5) circщes: б) galleries: 7) puppies: 8) 11-a1ches: 9) 1>,ol1·es: 10) s!ieep;ll)~er:12)geese Pai:elll,Ex.9. l)Iw,ш,w,ocцТV2)~w · olo~o. !,,,so .4)1.а@(' ·@'' ····~- о • Г'\ о м 1) х 2) ·о·} еа:4 ;. reJJre, r: q ·"(:} elk. Ш Раа;е ll, х .. l)Mary:2)Sofie:3)Kate Ра::е 115,Ех. 8. l) Jangi1"1g~: 2) g~a1: 3) !al~1Md: 4) cosшo11"111ts: 5) n~ighboш:: 6) sci~ntist: 7) bra,~: 8) kiш1 ;,';,:~-· @: ,,.@3 ... , .. ~, .. ,. ~, ·'·-··@@Ш Pa::ell:> Е .l. О Q lc:2a:3 Page 116, E:i:.9. \play 2artis1 Pai:~ ll8,Ex8 l)'Vhlo1"·мl1edoingintl«eopernhouseyesterdlly? 2)\Vhм"•ereyoudra"•i,1gi11tlшclassroo1n? 3)\Vhмwasshedoingat7o'clock? ;j'.:;~~~:;:~~:h:,::·:iido:•·":":~·~:,::fl,н~fla ,ь,.,~fа li®loшfl~, " flo11·~, 100.6)0 n geobnafasтo.7)1..i{,:.eplyшgand\\@ footb оо.8) lt1' !у ,·е2-3 children . ru\,;m sa!li . IO)"·o oucompптersa ot!Oo.1 rra.-elbycмa ottoo.12) hап, school holidays in ,vinr~, spring s,шuner too. 13) al\\·ays s~ak Rнssiaн Page 119, Ь:.9. I "·as ,wo1chi11g TV. Му fath...- "11s playing а card game with his fii~nds. Му шотh...- \Yas cooking. Pai:e 123,Ех. 7. 1) "·~sitting.came,; 2) "'as seнding. saw: 3) ,.-as h\Jgging. opn,ed: 4) ,vas "'alking, me1: 5) ""..re "·aтchiпg ie!e,·isio,1. left: 6) "·ere lea~-ing, lieard: 7) ссеге playing. саше: 8) "·ere doing. Ьegan Ра1:еl2З,Ех.8. 1) Не "'as ноt playing football "~th us yesterday_ 2) Were you r,,adiнg а Ьооk at 7 о 'c!ock7 З) \\'~ they ,·ffiiting tl,eir granddad iu the шomiнg? 4) The birds ""..re singiпg early in the morning. 5) What "'as Ben doit,g yesт..rday e,·e,Ung?6)She"·asn·1s!«-pinga1nigl1t.7)\Vas1heteacherspeaki11gtoyou? Р,,,~з,,~@П)~ @@Ш l,vas"" cl ng .А О 2I"1'1sisten toleш,sic. О Зшybestfnend 4111ymotl1..r\\•ascooking Pa:i;el23,Ex.l0. l)\\'a1l1;2)amшaking:З)lo.-e;4)тhink:5)"'as"ritiпg:6)"·..-e,.-atching;7)hear.issiнging •;;•~33,Е,.8.~·,,.~1 4)mlisa~•boy.~" ·,~, i,s,h, Но, ~~ Th $itt' gr ,. n t as ко) О$ а. ~ droon 7) 1,~ . cl,?"\' а ean < ,h hall. 8) Th ard I~ gr~н s r~s u Г'\ U t-j Pai:el27, ы.а. 1) couo11ies: 2) v,-ol,·es: J) r~iш:l~r: 4) m~n: 5) v,·om~n: 6) sh~~p: 7) mice: 8) "~тches: 9) fish: 10) childtffi Р,,,~>;, '·tвr@~ ~ ~м 1) th~ _ са s loA'}t, ns; 2) ·fie с[,;}.: 3 Sib ia· ) St P~t rs u-g; 1!,./uJ.!s: hi s~a; 7) La.k~Ba al: )т ~'lg -~,. И о У:)" Pag~ 12?,Ех. 2. ib:2a:3b;4a Pai:;.-130,Ex.4. А. 1) th.-: 2) 1he: 3) тhе: 4) -. the. В. 1) cities: 2) chшches; 3) li,·es: 4) children: 5) reindeer: 6) "·ol,·es; 7) mice: 8) $!ieep. Р,,,~, .. ~~~~~ Differ=t !а es. · , i rs.. at е ·, rie , s ·.-ш nd со m , o~.-st• ,ш ·,; h story and culiuн,_ ,_. ,s. eho san шп s., ] san ha е ,d ndr.-i r Pag~lB,Ex. i. ;;J~~Л\ ~ т ~ n~(о)м Pag~ l34,Ex9 Но"'' are уо1>'! This suшiшr I am goi,1g to stay i,1 Russia. I "'anted to invit~ уо11 to ссше to my coi>iitry a,1d "'1$. .;,>щ@:.,~· ,·o,h~J;,·,.w~· " ·ш·;gh" s an I "'- I t _ у u s~.'f'\ la g, " :A.ls , you , ,!I аЬ 10 Y"f-" u di1i [ foodl .1sAьo1,au ьс'l) U о Pag~ 34,Е:<.9 I.Aru,i,notasшongasllya 2.Пyaisnorasta!lasA,m. 3.Annisasoldasllya Page36,Ex.5. ~~;WД('ёc8fo)'·~:@@~~~I ~ili· Page38,Ex.9. 1) than;2)м:3)as:4)than:5)as;6)тhan:7)a, Ра:;:•38,Ех.10 D: 4~: 5а: ба: 7h: Sc. Р,,,~ ·~ ~c~ГVl 1)\~v])J-F.\'P~,-4~1:~)1~slщ:f~~ru~ ,1 u I Page99,Ex.8. 1) singing: 2) playi11g: 3) "'"aslrina: 4) goiiig: 5) dri~ing: 6) f~~ding Ра:,:е99,Ех.9. l)Ilik~dancinga11dsi11gi11g 2) I lik~ cookшg шеа!, fш my faшily and fri~шl• ))II~·~·mos@3П)~ @@Ш 4)1 ,g i ,!у. . D О Page99 х Q Tauglн. . ,g . .tho . 1 Ра:,:е99,Ех. I. lЬ;2а:ЗЬ:4Ь;5а;бЬ:7а Pag" 104,Ех.8. 6)Iт"sm·en1y-se,·e11pмt011e.l(soш:t,,·e111y-se\'e11. 7)1t"s1\\'enry-t\,·otoeight.lt"sse,·1tose,·en.Ii"ssi:o:fifty Pagel07,Ex.6. 1 I ha1e ge"ing up early ::~"::":"~,:::;, .. ::~"'""''"'П)· D ~ @@Ш 5 Igo а ~а ,Аuь 6Idon] е hea,. Q Pag~ 108, Ех. 8. 1) keeps: 2) easy: 3) liealtby. useful: 4) good: 5)difficult: 6) useful: 7) fit Р,,,~,,~~~~~ 1) ::он у u"'J ш. 2 ·о keQ,e 1м ou . J)Co, d, u о oQe is · day?4) о, d " е е3 ·fo ? )d,;.l,ld ·о rea ое; Ьоо s. cJ;/y k d опt? P~g~ 114, Ех. 9. ;:·~д\~'~"~ш:@@ш Pagelli,Ex.8. ]) а lot of. 2)fr.-.-, 3)1ik.-.4)dancing, 5)~му. б)atschoo!. 7)sтayathom.-. 8)11otoft~н. Р,,,~1, ···~@~~ @@m 1) 'u.- os ,·&,s.- Ыsf. .2 If/J\ha у ,.- sa\\'m fr s. J.(i;;;-\oн it i cuttolook. а 1.-rco s_ М !"·, k.-p 5)hJ1ei- .- 01 а lye:J11 morш 6)'1td.sp h n oking .,,.~ .~ .(o;:::'l~c-v-;] ~~-/~go(· )(~fms)~)ha,·~ro't:-'r n JI ц I 129,Е,.8. ж ~(о)rн'У !) ~~"ght· 3 "s;~d~os~; la) : А · 1~d. 8) h~lp~d 9)~rttr1y)1~d,ot: 1)~ In! 7 /n _ u н .,, •. ~ ,,с,;:;::;-, ~ Ci ~гv-J ~a~7~";("~)m7)o/,/n:9)p(1.('-..Jf n 'I !,._А I Pag~ l3l,Ex. l. ·p:2)aft~:3)in..for:4)froш;5)11po11:6)11·i1ho1,t Pai:elB,Ex.б. Half pas! three, at а. q,.,,лer то t"·eke. lo look aft..- the children. 10 do moшing aerci...-,, 10 spend time oшdoors s\>ccessful sportsman, 10 keep regitlar ho11Js. свсе 11pon а time. 10 Ье different fro,u. 10 take itp cycling Р,,,~з, '·~@~~ @@~ С..х. 1. 1 The а. !11 · he e,r.;.,1 ·d. pea.sant did 4 ,,Q\\.s d ,е r, shoppers ,d. :5) 1 а о s а he а юlцJr~ , . 6) е "Q' an rh a:hrc/pp i Tl peasant Pagtl36,E:i:.7. le: 2g: Зli: 4f: 5d: ба: 7~: 8Ь. ~·~•136,Е<.8. ~~~ @@шl PagtlЗ Е 9 А . о о I usuall do ru х s. ~ат а ! t ,·tg~ra t~ and ,r ~ ming µу to t rtg ar ho s 10 bt hta!rhy .. ,.~n ,r::'l n'"r-="'1 r=-i~~ ,, ,. "\ f I • \ I ( п I n I '7 /г.. I l::::'I n 11 н I Pag~ 8, Ех,8. 1) Has yo,u- fri,:11d got а11у p<:!s? 2) Can уо" look aft,:r усш рет \\'t:il? 3) Do your fri,:nds f,:,:d birds in \l'iлt~? 4)M,:haцщ,:ngoodp,:ts?5)Dochildr,:11!iketogotothezoo? Pag~ 23, Ех. б. 1) ''"~"' 2) lшd: 3) draпk: 4) а1-,; 5) b-,gan: 6) did: 7) took 8) ,поте: 9) ar<,: 10) ь" Pag~ э.кеш. ~j~;~~~:~:~~~~~ Pagel3,Ex.6. 1) P,1ppies are v.•onderful 10 play v.itb. 2) Rabbits are nice то v.•атсЬ. 3) Dogs are easy to теасЬ tricks. 4) Ki11ei1s are fim ro keep as ретэ. 5) Parrors are i11тeresting to теасh то talk. 6) Horses аге щeful to keep. 7) Dogs are pleasant ro !~ан Jeffbasa!o1ofp,,1s.Larrylovesp!ayingl10ckey.Simoнisi111er~fedincars Page l8,Ex.9. l)faшou$:2)ce11ainly:3)co!lecтs:4)pro,id:5)beca\Lse:6)col!ection. P,'1',1~B,E,.:.";moo oшsffi- \ о. drn·oo.se, ,h~om \\Ъ'@'l"'@"k w.4) ш oessh, dohere.) 'In ·iJДh flyo о о Paii;el8, x.l О IЬ:2с:Зс:4Ь;5Ь Page22,Ex.9. 1) ,tnhappy; 2) yo,u,g: 3) big: 4) \tnpl.-asaнt: 5) ,u,cloнdy: 6) coшfor1abk 7) i,мres1.-d: 8) fri.-нdly: 9) 1idy: 10) healthy. Page22,Ex.l. \) tr\le;2)1101s1a1ed:З)false;4)1rue;5)fals.-:6)11otsta1ed.